opportunities for students of all academic majors. In recent years, EKU choral students have appeared at Carnegie Hall (2013), completed an eight-day tour of Ireland (2015), performed at the KMEA state conference (2016, 2021, 2022, 2024), toured West Virginia, Virginia, and Washington, DC (2017) and have had the opportunity to work with world-renowned musicians including Jeffery Ames, Ola Gjeilo, Jeffery Redding, Jake Runestad, and Timothy Takach. Recent notable works include Bach's Cantatas 150 and 158, Beethoven's Choral Fantasy, Bernstein's Chichester Psalms, Brahms' A German Requiem, Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb, Haydn's Kleine Orgelmesse, Mahler's Symphony No. 2, Orff's Carmina Burana, Rutter's Requiem, Thompson's Frostiana, and Verdi's Requiem. Students with experience singing in high school, college, community, or church choral programs are encouraged to participate in the choirs at EKU regardless of academic major.

Founded in 2019, EnChor is a non-auditioned ensemble of soprano/mezzo/alto voices open to all students. Members of EnChor represent a variety of academic majors from across campus.
Director: Dr. Jill Campbell
Rehearsals: Tue/Thu, 2:00-3:15 PM
MUS 228A / 428A / 828A
Founded in 2019, Koros is a non-auditioned ensemble of tenor/baritone/bass voices open to all students. Members of Koros represent a variety of academic majors from across campus.
Director: Dr. Richard Waters
MUS 228A / 428A / 828A
Founded in 2019, Koros is a non-auditioned ensemble of tenor/baritone/bass voices open to all students. Members of Koros represent a variety of academic majors from across campus.
Director: Dr. Richard Waters
Rehearsals: Tue/Thu, 3:30-4:45 PM
MUS 228B / 428B / 828B
University Singers
University Singers is the premier choral ensemble at EKU. They present several major concerts throughout the year and frequently perform with the Lexington Philharmonic. They have recorded two albums which are available on Amazon, Apple Music, Pandora, Spotify, and at all EKU choir concerts. Membership is by audition.
Director: Dr. Richard Waters
MUS 228B / 428B / 828B
University Singers
University Singers is the premier choral ensemble at EKU. They present several major concerts throughout the year and frequently perform with the Lexington Philharmonic. They have recorded two albums which are available on Amazon, Apple Music, Pandora, Spotify, and at all EKU choir concerts. Membership is by audition.
Director: Dr. Richard Waters
* Andrea Ramsey - Suffrage Cantata (2022)
Andrew Miller - Prayer to St. Michael (2018)
* Charles Anthony Silvestri - Each Morning She Walks (2017)
* Timothy Takach - The Longest Nights (2016)
Jake Runestad - The Winnowing (2015)
* Timothy Takach - The Longest Nights (2016)
Jake Runestad - The Winnowing (2015)
Ola Gjeilo - Genesis (2013)
* part of a commissioning consortium